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The University of Stuttgart presented the ēQATOR project at GeCatS Infoday

The GeCatS Infoday "Electrification of catalytic processes" took place on December 4th in Frankfurt. The event allowed the exposition of contributions of experts in academia and industry to a discussion focused on the current industrial needs are, and which developments still require research and development.

In this context, our project partner, the University of Stuttgart, participated in the event's poster session and presented the eQATOR project to the attendees and other participants.

Focusing on the electrification aspect of the reactor and the project's mission, the presentation also covered topics such as methane reforming, resistive heating and ceramic reactors, opening up a space for many fruitful discussions and bringing awareness about the project to the scientific community. In the words of Enes Caliskan, one of the presenters from University of Stuttgart: "People are curious about the results of the project so further updates on these kind of information days will be quite useful. It was an excellent opportunity to also get feedback for further ideas and improvement suggestions."


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